Saturday, August 18, 2007


Wilted petals make like dying moths
fluttering; it's the danse macabre!
As heartbeats fasten
eyes dilate
they cannot prepare themselves
for the impact

shaken we feel derelict
in this place we call home
the earth begins to crumble
and the heat starts to swell
yet butterflies nest in your hair

The sweet fragrance of sin
O! what a temptress.

But let's not forget
you wanted this
You simply begged for this to last
for eternity

And now we're coming
Your last debt to society
To rid the world of your
disgusting. hideous.

Friday, August 10, 2007


It was my apology you always wanted, and
after your petty display
of pain and tears

I knew I couldn’t hurt you again

Who could forget the late, late nite
telephone calls
I could hear you screaming

And the sound of your heart breaking
was the sound of my knees shaking

I don’t think I can get rid of you
No matter how repulsive my love is…

you need the feeling of having comfort
And my comfort is that of a grave

So maybe this epitaph will suit you well
“Leave this love and let it rot in hell!”

Because I can’t love you the way she does.
She’s the whore… but to you a dove?

She meant peace, and a sort of purity in your eyes.
But for me… you were willing to die.